72 const char*
const throw()
74 return "BCEException was thrown";
84 return "An index was out of the provided bounds.";
86 return "A condition we imposed failed.";
88 return "A condition we imposed in bcecounter.cpp failed.";
90 return "A condition we imposed in bceabstractgame.cpp failed.";
92 return "There are no equilibria.";
94 return "Map frontier is not optimal.";
96 return "The file failed to open.";
98 return "Probabilities are misbehaving. At least one is negative or greater than 1, or they do not sum to 1.";
100 return "A bad argument was received.";
102 return "A bad argument was received in bcecomparator.cpp.";
104 return "A bad argument was received in bceutilities.cpp.";
106 return "A bad argument was received in bceabstractgame.cpp.";
108 return "Parameter name wasn't recognized.";
110 return "A parameter value is invalid.";
112 return "An incentive constraint was violated.";
114 return "Distribution given in solution data does not reflect the correct number of actions.";
115 case WrongWeightSize:
116 return "Size of the weight vector supplied as an argument to BCESolver::solve(weights) does not match the number of objectives. Check your specification in the example file.";
118 return "Solver is already populated.";
Exception class for BCESolve.
Definition: bceexception.hpp:33
string getMessage()
Returns an error message.
Definition: bceexception.hpp:79
ErrorType errorType
Gives the error code for this BCEException.
Definition: bceexception.hpp:64
const char * what() const
Reimplements std::exception::what().
Definition: bceexception.hpp:72
Type of error.
Definition: bceexception.hpp:37
@ AlreadyPopulated
Definition: bceexception.hpp:60
@ InvalidParameterName
Definition: bceexception.hpp:55
@ BadArgumentBCEAbstractGame
Definition: bceexception.hpp:54
@ BCEAbstractGameConditionFailed
Definition: bceexception.hpp:41
@ OutOfBounds
Definition: bceexception.hpp:38
@ ConditionFailed
Definition: bceexception.hpp:39
@ BadArgumentBCEUtilities
Definition: bceexception.hpp:53
@ MapFrontierNotOptimal
Definition: bceexception.hpp:45
@ NotProbDistr
Definition: bceexception.hpp:50
@ WrongDistnSize
Definition: bceexception.hpp:58
@ BadArgumentBCEComparator
Definition: bceexception.hpp:52
@ FailedOpen
Definition: bceexception.hpp:46
@ BCECounterConditionFailed
Definition: bceexception.hpp:40
@ ICConstraintViolated
Definition: bceexception.hpp:57
@ InvalidParameterValue
Definition: bceexception.hpp:56
@ BadArgument
Definition: bceexception.hpp:51
@ NoEquilibria
Definition: bceexception.hpp:42
BCEException(ErrorType errorTypeArg)
Definition: bceexception.hpp:68