This is the complete list of members for BCEGame, including all inherited members.
addAction(int player, int position) | BCEGame | |
addObjective(int position, string label) | BCEGame | |
addState(int position) | BCEGame | |
addType(int player, int position) | BCEGame | |
BCEAbstractGame() | BCEAbstractGame | |
BCEAbstractGame(int numStatesArg, int numActionsArg, int numTypesArg, int numObjectivesArg) | BCEAbstractGame | |
BCEAbstractGame(int numStatesArg, const vector< int > &numActionsArg, const vector< int > &numTypesArg, int numObjectivesArg) | BCEAbstractGame | |
BCEGame() | BCEGame | |
BCEGame(const BCEAbstractGame &game) | BCEGame | |
boost::serialization::access (defined in BCEGame) | BCEGame | friend |
conditional(int state, const vector< int > &types) const | BCEGame | inline |
conditionalData | BCEGame | private |
dominated(int action, int type, int player) const | BCEGame | inlinevirtual |
BCEAbstractGame::dominated(const vector< int > &actions, const vector< int > &types) const | BCEAbstractGame | |
dominatedData | BCEGame | private |
feasibleDeviation(int action, int dev, int type, int player) const | BCEGame | inlinevirtual |
feasibleDeviationData | BCEGame | private |
findLabelRedundancies(int obj) | BCEAbstractGame | |
getNumActions() const | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
getNumObjectives() const | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
getNumPlayers() const | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
getNumPrivateStates() const | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
getNumStates() const | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
getNumTypes() const | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
getObjLabels(int obj) | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
getObjLabels() | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
hasProductStructure() const | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
hasProductStructureData | BCEAbstractGame | protected |
load(BCEGame &game, const char *filename) | BCEGame | inlinestatic |
nameEmptyLabels() | BCEAbstractGame | |
numActions | BCEAbstractGame | protected |
numObjectives | BCEAbstractGame | protected |
numPlayers | BCEAbstractGame | protected |
numPrivateStates | BCEAbstractGame | protected |
numStates | BCEAbstractGame | protected |
numTypes | BCEAbstractGame | protected |
objective(int state, const vector< int > &actions, int obj) const | BCEGame | inlinevirtual |
BCEAbstractGame::objective(const vector< int > &states, const vector< int > &actions, int obj) const | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
objectiveData | BCEGame | private |
objectiveLabels | BCEAbstractGame | protected |
prior(int state, const vector< int > &types) const | BCEGame | inlinevirtual |
prior(int state) const | BCEGame | inline |
prior(int player, int type) const | BCEGame | inline |
BCEAbstractGame::prior(const vector< int > &states, const vector< int > &types) const | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
BCEAbstractGame::prior(int state, int type, int player) const | BCEAbstractGame | |
priorData | BCEGame | private |
removeAction(int player, int action) | BCEGame | |
removeObjective(int obj) | BCEGame | |
removeState(int state) | BCEGame | |
removeType(int player, int type) | BCEGame | |
save(const BCEGame &game, const char *filename) | BCEGame | inlinestatic |
serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) | BCEGame | inline |
setConditional(int state, const vector< int > &types, double value) | BCEGame | inline |
setDominated(int action, int type, int player, bool value) | BCEGame | inline |
setFeasibleDeviation(int action, int dev, int type, int player, bool value) | BCEGame | inline |
setHasProductStructureData(bool hasProductStructure) | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
setNumPrivateStates(const vector< int > &_numPrivateStates) | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
setObjective(int state, const vector< int > &actions, int obj, double value) | BCEGame | inline |
setObjLabel(int obj, string label) | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
setPrior(int state, double value) (defined in BCEGame) | BCEGame | inline |
~BCEAbstractGame() | BCEAbstractGame | inline |
~BCEGame() | BCEGame | inline |