28#include "bcedatastate.hpp"
29#include "qcustomplot.h"
30#include "bcevaluesetplot.hpp"
31#include "bceenumeration.hpp"
32#include "bcelabel.hpp"
33#include "bceplottitle.hpp"
Class for storing and manipulating solution data used by the plot handler.
Definition: bcedatastate.hpp:52
const BCESolution & getSolution() const
Shares the current BCESolution by reference.
Definition: bcedatastate.hpp:299
This class handles all the plotting in the solution tab.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:46
const BCESolution & getSolutionData() const
Returns the current BCESolution in BCEDataState.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:158
void setupLayout()
Sets up the layout of the plot handler.
Definition: bceplothandler.cpp:35
QCPColorMap * colorMap
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:129
QAction * colorfulDistn
Colorful/Blue theme toggle for colorScale.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:135
QHBoxLayout * getLayout() const
Returns Layout of the Plot Handler.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:151
void sendingDataPath(QString location)
Sends data path to BCEDataState.
BCEValueSetPlot * conditionalMarginalPlot
Heatmap template.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:123
BCEValueSetPlot * setOfBCEPlot
Set of BCE Plot.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:139
void toggleLinearScale(bool checked)
Toggles colorScale between linear and log scales.
Definition: bceplothandler.cpp:385
bool isSolnDataLoaded
Indicates if solution data is loaded in the soln tab.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:147
void setSolution(const BCESolution &solution, const bool isBoundaryMapped)
Sets the current BCESolution in BCEDataState.
Definition: bceplothandler.cpp:426
QHBoxLayout * mainTab
Layout for the Plot Handler.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:115
QCPColorScale * colorScale
Scale for heatmap colors.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:131
void setGUITitle()
Sets a new title for the GUI using fileName information.
Definition: bceplothandler.cpp:411
BCEDataState * guiData
Data in the current solution object.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:70
QVector< BCEValueSetPlot * > deviationBarGraphs
Bar Graphs.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:141
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:53
QVector< BCEPlotTitle * > devPlotTitles
Plot titles for the deviation bar plots.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:143
void plotBCEValueSet()
Plots set of equilibria player payoffs.
Definition: bceplothandler.cpp:242
void toggleColorfulTheme(bool checked)
Toggles color gradient between blue and gpSpectrum themes.
Definition: bceplothandler.cpp:397
QAction * linearScale
Linear/Log incrementation toggle for colorScale.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:133
void plotEqm()
Plots Bayes Correlated Equilibria.
Definition: bceplothandler.cpp:208
QCPColorGradient * mGradient
Color of heatmap colorScale.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:137
void plotDeviationObjectives(int player)
Plots Bar Graphs for Player Deviation Objectives.
Definition: bceplothandler.cpp:307
BCEPlotHandler(QWidget *parent)
Definition: bceplothandler.cpp:25
void indicateDataLoaded()
Sets isSolnDataLoaded to true.
Definition: bceplothandler.cpp:431
Class for storing data produced by BCESolver.
Definition: bcesolution.hpp:64
QCustomPlot with Tool-tip and click functionality.
Definition: bcevaluesetplot.hpp:37