BCESolution Class Reference

Class for storing data produced by BCESolver. More...

#include <bcesolution.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for BCESolution:

Public Member Functions

template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
 Serialization routine.
 BCESolution ()
 Default constructor.
 BCESolution (const BCEGame &game)
 Constructor. More...
 ~BCESolution ()
void addEquilibrium (const map< int, double > &distr)
 Appends distr to the end of the list newEquilibria.
void clearEquilibria ()
 Clears all equilibria.
void setBoundaryMapped (const bool isMapped)
 Sets boundaryMapped status.
void setMapBoundaryWeights (const vector< vector< double > > &weights)
 Sets mapBoundaryWeights.
void setMainObjectiveWeights (const vector< double > &weights)
 Sets main objective weights.
void consolidateEquilibria ()
 Consolidates equilibria. More...
const BCEGamegetGame () const
 Returns the game.
const BCEquilibriumgetEquilibrium (int equilibriumIndex) const
 Returns the equilibrium at equilibriumIndex.
void setCurrentEquilibrium (int equilibriumIndex)
 Set current equilibrium. More...
BCESolutionoperator= (const BCESolution &rhs)
 Assignment operator.
void getExpectedObjectives (vector< double > &objectiveValues) const
 Gets the expected objectives under the current BCE. More...
void getExpectedObjectives (vector< vector< double > > &objectiveValues) const
 Gets the expected objectives under all BCE. More...
void getExpectedObjectives (vector< double > &objectiveValues, const map< int, double > &distribution) const
 Calculates expected objectives for the given distribution.
double getDeviationObjectives (int player, int action, int type, vector< vector< double > > &objectiveValues) const
 Calculates deviation objectives. More...
double getConditionalMarginal (const vector< int > &stateConditions, const vector< vector< int > > &actionConditions, const vector< vector< int > > &typeConditions, bool stateMarginal, const vector< bool > &actionMarginal, const vector< bool > &typeMarginal, vector< double > &distribution) const
 Computes the marginal conditional distribution of a BCE. More...
const vector< vector< double > > & getMapBoundaryWeights () const
 Returns the mapBoundary weights.
const vector< double > getMainObjectiveWeights () const
 Returns the main objective weights.
const bool getIsBoundaryMapped () const

Static Public Member Functions

static void save (const BCESolution &data, const char *filename)
 Serialize a BCESolution object using Boost.
static void load (BCESolution &data, const char *filename)
 Deserialize a BCESolution object using Boost.

Private Attributes

BCEGame game
 The game that the equilibria correspond to.
list< BCEquilibriumnewEquilibria
 List of new equilibria that have not yet been consolidated.
vector< BCEquilibriumequilibria
 Consolidated vector of equilibria.
int currentEquilibrium
 Index of the current equilibrium in BCESolution::equilibria.
vector< vector< double > > mapBoundaryWeights
 Matrix of weights on mapBoundary objectives. More...
vector< double > mainObjectiveWeights
 Vector of weights on the main objective.
bool boundaryMapped
 True if boundary was mapped in the solver.


class boost::serialization::access

Detailed Description

Class for storing data produced by BCESolver.

This class stores Bayes correlated equilibria as output by the BCESolver class. It also contains statistical routines for analyzing the list of equilibria.

The class contains data structures for storing BCE in the BCESolution::equilibria member. It also stores various information about the BCEGame object for which the equilibrium was calculated, in the members BCESolution::objectives, BCESolution::prior, and BCESolution::dominated. These arrays correspond to the methods of the same name in the BCEGame class.

BCESolution also contains methods for calculating statistics of a BCE. In particular, BCESolution::getConditionalMarginal is a general purpose tool for calculating marginal conditional distributions of the BCE, BCESolution::getExpectedObjectives can be used to calculate the expected objectives under the BCE, and BCESolution::getDeviationObjectives can be used to calculate counterfactual payoffs if players had used actions different from their recommendations.

allpayauction.cpp, fpaknown.cpp, fpaunknown.cpp, hybridentryreserve.cpp, and postedprice.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BCESolution()

BCESolution::BCESolution ( const BCEGame game)


Initializes a new BCESolution object for a game with the given numbers of players, states, actions, types, objectives.

Member Function Documentation

◆ consolidateEquilibria()

void BCESolution::consolidateEquilibria ( )

Consolidates equilibria.

Appends the list of newEquilibria to the vector equilibria. Clears newEquilibria.

◆ getConditionalMarginal()

double BCESolution::getConditionalMarginal ( const vector< int > &  stateConditions,
const vector< vector< int > > &  actionConditions,
const vector< vector< int > > &  typeConditions,
bool  stateMarginal,
const vector< bool > &  actionMarginal,
const vector< bool > &  typeMarginal,
vector< double > &  distribution 
) const

Computes the marginal conditional distribution of a BCE.

A general method for calculating conditional marginal distributions of the current BCE. The state must be equal to an element of stateConditions, action[i] must be an element of actionConditions[i], etc. If the given condition vector is empty, no restriction is imposed. The distribution is projected onto variables with a logical true in Marginal. Returns the probability of the event we are conditioning on. See BCECounter for a description of the conditioning and marginal arguments.

◆ getDeviationObjectives()

double BCESolution::getDeviationObjectives ( int  player,
int  action,
int  type,
vector< vector< double > > &  objectiveValues 
) const

Calculates deviation objectives.

Calculates the expected payoff resulting from each action for the given player, type, and recommended action. Returns the probability of the given action.

◆ getExpectedObjectives() [1/2]

void BCESolution::getExpectedObjectives ( vector< double > &  objectiveValues) const

Gets the expected objectives under the current BCE.

This method will calculate the expected objectives for the current equilibrium, as specified by BCESolution::currentIndex.

◆ getExpectedObjectives() [2/2]

void BCESolution::getExpectedObjectives ( vector< vector< double > > &  objectiveValues) const

Gets the expected objectives under all BCE.

This method will calculate the expected objectives for each of the equilibrium distributions in "equilibria". Optionally can be called with a particular given distribution, which is useful, e.g., for calculating objectives with a conditional distribution.

◆ setCurrentEquilibrium()

void BCESolution::setCurrentEquilibrium ( int  equilibriumIndex)

Set current equilibrium.

Sets the current equilibrium to the equilibrium with index i. That vector must be an element of the vector equilibria.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mapBoundaryWeights

vector<vector<double> > BCESolution::mapBoundaryWeights

Matrix of weights on mapBoundary objectives.

The first row, i.e. mapBoundaryWeights[0] contains weights for the main objective, and the second row contains weights for the secondary objective. The number of columns is the number of objectives.

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