28#include "bcegamehandler.hpp"
29#include "bceplothandler.hpp"
30#include "bceloghandler.hpp"
31#include "bcesolverworker.hpp"
32#include "hybridentryreserve.hpp"
33#include "commonvalueauction.hpp"
34#include "prisonervsbattle.hpp"
35#include "fpaknown.hpp"
36#include "fpaunknown.hpp"
This class handles the widgets for editing/displaying the game.
Definition: bcegamehandler.hpp:56
Callback object to communicate with the gurobi solver.
Definition: bcegurobicallback.hpp:30
Log tab for the BCEViewer.
Definition: bceloghandler.hpp:37
This class handles all the plotting in the solution tab.
Definition: bceplothandler.hpp:46
Class for storing data produced by BCESolver.
Definition: bcesolution.hpp:64
Class for solving games created in the game tab.
Definition: bcesolverworker.hpp:45
Assembles BCEGameHandler, BCEPlotHandler, and BCELogHandler into a Unified GUI.
Definition: bcewindow.hpp:48
void displayAboutFromToolBar()
Displays about screen when requested in the toolbar.
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:597
void setCancelFlag()
Signals the callback object to cancel optimization.
BCEPlotHandler * solutionTab
Contains all information for the solution tab.
Definition: bcewindow.hpp:77
BCELogHandler * logTab
Pointer to the logTab in main.cpp.
Definition: bcewindow.hpp:79
QTabWidget * tabWidget
Widget holding layouts for game, solution, and log tabs.
Definition: bcewindow.hpp:81
void generateHybridAuction()
Starts the routine to build the common values default hybrid auction.
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:392
BCEGameHandler * gameTab
Contains all information for the game tab.
Definition: bcewindow.hpp:75
void displayException(QString message)
Displays exceptions signaled from other classes.
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:576
void conditionBCE(bool checked)
Toggles whether BCE heat map is conditional on state.
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:583
void displayAbout()
Displays "about" window.
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:587
void saveSolution()
Interacts with BCEGameHandler and BCEPlotHandler to save a solution.
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:254
QString screenShotPath
Default path to gui screenshots (*.png files).
Definition: bcewindow.hpp:87
void loadSolution()
Interacts with BCEPlotHandler to load new data.
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:172
void generateFirstPriceAuction()
Generates the first price auction with known values.
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:522
void tabToSolution(BCESolution *soln, bool isBoundaryMapped)
Switches the current tab to the solution tab.
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:377
BCEWindow(BCELogHandler &logHandler)
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:28
void generateCommonValueAuction()
Builds the default common values first price auction.
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:451
BCESolverWorker * solverWorker
solverWorker Object for Solving Games
Definition: bcewindow.hpp:91
void screenshot()
Takes a screenshot and opens a save file menu.
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:382
void saveGame()
Interacts with BCEGameHandler and BCEPlotHandler to save a game.
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:286
void runSolve()
Interacts with BCEGameHandler and BCESolverWorker to solve a game.
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:317
QThread * solverWorkerThread
Thread for solverWorker.
Definition: bcewindow.hpp:89
void dataPathChanged(QString newPath)
Sends path to example to BCEDataState.
void loadGame()
Interacts with BCEGameHandler and BCEPlotHandler to load a new game.
Definition: bcewindow.cpp:214
QString path
Default Path to data.
Definition: bcewindow.hpp:83
Definition: bcewindow.hpp:55
BCEGurobiCallback * callback
Callback object for communicating with solver.
Definition: bcewindow.hpp:93