BCEViewer graphical interface

The graphical user interface. More...


class  BCEConditionalTableModel
 Table models for BCEViewer. More...
class  BCEDataState
 Class for storing and manipulating solution data used by the plot handler. More...
class  BCEGameHandler
 This class handles the widgets for editing/displaying the game. More...
class  BCELabel
 Class handling labeling of controls in the solution tab. More...
class  BCELineEdit
 Read-only QLineEdits displaying slider values. More...
class  BCELogHandler
 Log tab for the BCEViewer. More...
class  BCELogStream
 Redirects all couts in the program to the log tab. More...
class  BCEObjWeightsTableModel
 Model for Objective Weights in the BCEViewer. More...
class  BCEPayoffTableModel
 Derived class for payoff table models. More...
class  BCEPlotHandler
 This class handles all the plotting in the solution tab. More...
class  BCEPlotTitle
 Class handling labeling of plots in the solution tab. More...
class  BCEPriorTableModel
 Table models for BCEViewer. More...
class  BCEProbabilityTableModel
 Table models for BCEViewer. More...
class  BCEPushButton
 QPushButton that emits the player when clicked. More...
class  BCESlider
 QScrollBar with added signal and slots. More...
class  BCESolverWorker
 Class for solving games created in the game tab. More...
class  BCETableModel
 Table models for BCEViewer. More...
class  BCETableView
 Specialized table view for BCEViewer. More...
class  BCEValueSetPlot
 QCustomPlot with Tool-tip and click functionality. More...

Detailed Description

The graphical user interface.

For a detailed description of the BCEViewer object model, see The BCEViewer graphical interface.