Class handling labeling of plots in the solution tab.
#include <bceplottitle.hpp>
void | changeText (int emittedPlayer, int action, int type, double objectiveValue) |
| Changes non-probability elements of the deviation plot titles.
void | changeProbability (int emittedPlayer, double probability) |
| Changes probability element of the deviation plot titles.
void | changeDisplayedCoords (double x, double y) |
| Sets current equilibrium coordinates for the current eqm index.
void | changeDisplayedState (int value0, int value1, int state, bool isPrivateVals) |
| Sets current state displayed in the heatmap plot title.
| BCEPlotTitle (LabelType _labelType, int _player, QCustomPlot *parentPlot) |
| Constructs plot titles for the deviation bar graphs.
| BCEPlotTitle (LabelType _labelType, QCustomPlot *parentPlot) |
| Constructs plot titles for heatmap and plot of equilibria player payoffs (top left plot).
int | player |
| Player associated with the label.
LabelType | labelType |
| Type of label (i.e. "DeviationPlot," "SliderLabel," etc.).
BCESliderType | sliderType |
| Type of Slider associated with a slider label (i.e. "Type," "Action," "State").
std::stringstream | dynamicString |
| String manipulated when data is changed.
Class handling labeling of plots in the solution tab.
This class has a series of constructors to create labels for plots. Also contains slots to change plot labels after the user alters parameters in the solution tab.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: