This is the complete list of members for SGApprox, including all inherited members.
actions | SGApprox | private |
actionTuple | SGApprox | private |
bestAction | SGApprox | private |
bestDirection | SGApprox | private |
bestRegime | SGApprox | private |
calculateBindingContinuations() | SGApprox | private |
calculateNewPivot() | SGApprox | private |
currentDirection | SGApprox | private |
delta | SGApprox | private |
distance(int newStart, int newEnd, int oldStart, int oldEnd) const | SGApprox | private |
distHelper(const SGPoint &p, const SGPoint &qA, const SGPoint &qB) const (defined in SGApprox) | SGApprox | private |
end() | SGApprox | |
env | SGApprox | private |
errorLevel | SGApprox | private |
extremeTuples | SGApprox | private |
facingEastNorth | SGApprox | private |
findBestDirection() | SGApprox | private |
game | SGApprox | private |
generate(bool storeIteration=true) | SGApprox | |
getActions() const | SGApprox | inline |
getActionTuple() const | SGApprox | inline |
getBestAction() const | SGApprox | inline |
getBestDirection() const | SGApprox | inline |
getBestRegime() const | SGApprox | inline |
getDirection() const | SGApprox | inline |
getExtremeTuples() const | SGApprox | inline |
getNumExtremeTuples() const | SGApprox | inline |
getNumIterations() const | SGApprox | inline |
getNumRevolutions() const | SGApprox | inline |
getPivot() const | SGApprox | inline |
getRegimeTuple() const | SGApprox | inline |
getThreatTuple() const | SGApprox | inline |
improves(const SGPoint ¤t, const SGPoint &best, const SGPoint &newDirection) const | SGApprox | private |
initialize() | SGApprox | |
logAppend(ofstream &logfs, int iter, int rev, const SGTuple &tuple, int state, int action) | SGApprox | private |
logfs | SGApprox | private |
newWest | SGApprox | private |
nullAction | SGApprox | private |
numIterations | SGApprox | private |
numPlayers | SGApprox | private |
numRevolutions | SGApprox | private |
numStates | SGApprox | private |
oldWest | SGApprox | private |
passedNorth() const | SGApprox | inline |
passNorth | SGApprox | private |
pivot | SGApprox | private |
progressString() const | SGApprox | |
regimeTuple | SGApprox | private |
SGApprox(const SGEnv &_env, const SGGame &_game, SGSolution_PencilSharpening &_soln) | SGApprox | inline |
soln | SGApprox | private |
sufficiencyFlag | SGApprox | private |
threatTuple | SGApprox | private |
trimBindingContinuations() | SGApprox | private |
updatedThreatTuple | SGApprox | private |
updateFlags() | SGApprox | private |
updateMinPayoffs() | SGApprox | private |
updatePivot(vector< double > &movements, vector< double > &changes, vector< SG::Regime > ®imeTuple, const vector< double > &maxMovement, const vector< SG::Regime > &maxMovementConstraints) | SGApprox | private |
westPoint | SGApprox | private |