SGApprox Class Reference

Approximation of the equilibrium payoff correspondence. More...

#include <sgapprox.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for SGApprox:

Public Member Functions

 SGApprox (const SGEnv &_env, const SGGame &_game, SGSolution_PencilSharpening &_soln)
 Constructor for SGApprox class.
void initialize ()
 Prepares the approximation for generation. More...
int getNumIterations () const
 Returns the number of iterations thus far.
int getNumRevolutions () const
 Returns the number of revolutions of the pivot thus far.
int getNumExtremeTuples () const
 Returns the number of tuples in the extremeTuples array.
SG::Regime getBestRegime () const
list< SGAction_PencilSharpening >::const_iterator getBestAction () const
const SGPointgetBestDirection () const
 Returns the best test direction.
const vector< const SGAction_PencilSharpening * > & getActionTuple () const
 Returns the current action tuple.
const vector< SG::Regime > & getRegimeTuple () const
 Returns the current regime tuple.
const SGPointgetDirection () const
 Returns the current direction.
const SGTuplegetPivot () const
 Returns the current pivot.
const SGTuplegetThreatTuple () const
 Returns the current threat tuple.
const vector< list< SGAction_PencilSharpening > > & getActions () const
const vector< SGTuple > & getExtremeTuples () const
 Returns the array of extreme tuples.
std::string progressString () const
 Returns a string indicating the algorithms progress.
double generate (bool storeIteration=true)
 Refines the approximation. More...
bool passedNorth () const
 Algorithm just passed north. More...
void end ()
 Destructor. More...

Private Member Functions

void updateMinPayoffs ()
 Calculates the minimum IC continuation values. More...
void calculateBindingContinuations ()
 Calculates binding continuation values. More...
void trimBindingContinuations ()
 Trims binding continuation values. More...
void findBestDirection ()
 Calculates the best direction. More...
void calculateNewPivot ()
 Calculates the new pivot. More...
double updatePivot (vector< double > &movements, vector< double > &changes, vector< SG::Regime > &regimeTuple, const vector< double > &maxMovement, const vector< SG::Regime > &maxMovementConstraints)
 Updates the pivot. More...
void updateFlags ()
 Updates flags before the next iteration. More...
double distance (int newStart, int newEnd, int oldStart, int oldEnd) const
 Calculates the distance between revolutions. More...
double distHelper (const SGPoint &p, const SGPoint &qA, const SGPoint &qB) const
bool improves (const SGPoint &current, const SGPoint &best, const SGPoint &newDirection) const
 Checks whether or not newDirection is shallower than best, relative to current. More...
void logAppend (ofstream &logfs, int iter, int rev, const SGTuple &tuple, int state, int action)
 Outputs progress to the log file every iteration.

Private Attributes

const SGEnvenv
const SGGamegame
const double delta
const int numPlayers
const int numStates
std::ofstream logfs
int numIterations
int numRevolutions
double errorLevel
vector< bool > facingEastNorth
bool passNorth
bool sufficiencyFlag
vector< bool > updatedThreatTuple
vector< list< SGAction_PencilSharpening > > actions
vector< SGTupleextremeTuples
SGTuple threatTuple
SGTuple pivot
SGPoint currentDirection
vector< const SGAction_PencilSharpening * > actionTuple
vector< SG::RegimeregimeTuple
list< SGAction_PencilSharpening >::const_iterator bestAction
SGPoint bestDirection
SG::Regime bestRegime
SGAction_PencilSharpening nullAction
int westPoint
int newWest
int oldWest

Detailed Description

Approximation of the equilibrium payoff correspondence.

This class contains an approximation of the equilibrium payoff correspondence. At its core, it contains a sequence of extreme tuples that have been generated thus far, a pivot, and a direction. The main method, SGApprox::generate(), finds a new direction that will not intersect the equilibrium payoff correspondence and updates the pivot in that direction. By successively calling SGApprox::generate(), the approximation will be refined and asymptotically it will converge to the equilibrium payoff correspondence.

Part of the pencil sharpening algorithm.

Member Function Documentation

◆ calculateBindingContinuations()

void SGApprox::calculateBindingContinuations ( )

Calculates binding continuation values.

For each SGAction objection in SGApprox::actions, this method computes the extreme binding continuation values relative to the current threat tuple and the trajectory of the pivot on the previous revolution.

◆ calculateNewPivot()

void SGApprox::calculateNewPivot ( )

Calculates the new pivot.

After the best direction has been found, this method updates the pivot in the new current direction. First, it calculates the maximum movements in the current direction that would not violate incentive compatibility, and then iterates SGApprox::updatePivot until the pivot converges.

◆ distance()

double SGApprox::distance ( int  newStart,
int  newEnd,
int  oldStart,
int  oldEnd 
) const

Calculates the distance between revolutions.

Returns the distance between successive iterations. Only runs when SGApprox::passNorth is true. Currently only runs when the number of SGTuple objects on successive revolutions is the same, and then takes the maximum over all distances between tuples that are in corresponding positions in the revolutions.

◆ end()

void SGApprox::end ( )


Only purpose right now is to close the log file.

◆ findBestDirection()

void SGApprox::findBestDirection ( )

Calculates the best direction.

Iteraties over the SGAction objects in SGApprox::actions to find the shallowest admissible direction, and stores it in bestDirection.

◆ generate()

double SGApprox::generate ( bool  storeIteration = true)

Refines the approximation.

Main public routine for the SGApprox class. Updates minimum IC continuation values and binding continuation values, finds the best new direction, advances the pivot, and resets the flags. Also returns the distance between revolutions when a revolution is completed. Otherwise, returns 1.

◆ getActions()

const vector< list<SGAction_PencilSharpening> >& SGApprox::getActions ( ) const

Returns the array of SGAction objects that can currently be supported

◆ getBestAction()

list<SGAction_PencilSharpening>::const_iterator SGApprox::getBestAction ( ) const

Returns a constant iterator for the SGAction in which the best test direction was generated

◆ getBestRegime()

SG::Regime SGApprox::getBestRegime ( ) const

Returns the regime in which the best test direction was generated

◆ improves()

bool SGApprox::improves ( const SGPoint current,
const SGPoint best,
const SGPoint newDirection 
) const

Checks whether or not newDirection is shallower than best, relative to current.

Returns true if the cosine between newDirection and best is greater than SGEnv::improveTol, or if best and newDirection are colinear, whether or not best has a larger norm. Non-static so it can read the parameter values in SGApprox::env.

◆ initialize()

void SGApprox::initialize ( )

Prepares the approximation for generation.

Opens the log file, constructs the actions array, initializes extremeTuples to a large "box" correspondence that contains the equilibrium payoff correspondence. Also initializes the pivot and the first direction. Sets the flags so that SGApprox::generate() will calculate new binding continuation values on the first pass.

◆ passedNorth()

bool SGApprox::passedNorth ( ) const

Algorithm just passed north.

Indicates whether or not the current direction passed north on this iteration.

◆ trimBindingContinuations()

void SGApprox::trimBindingContinuations ( )

Trims binding continuation values.

For each SGAction in SGApprox::actions, this method "trims" the binding payoff segents by intersecting them with the half-space correspondence that is below the pivot in the direction normal to the current direction. Not currently being used.

◆ updateFlags()

void SGApprox::updateFlags ( )

Updates flags before the next iteration.

This method checks whether or not the threat tuple has increased and sets the flags for recalculating binding continuation values. Also checks whether or not the cardinal direction has changed, and updates SGApprox::facingEastNorth and SGApprox::passNorth.

◆ updateMinPayoffs()

void SGApprox::updateMinPayoffs ( )

Calculates the minimum IC continuation values.

This method calculates for each SGAction object in SGApprox::actions the minimum incentive compatible continuation value, relative to the current threat tuple.

◆ updatePivot()

double SGApprox::updatePivot ( vector< double > &  movements,
vector< double > &  changes,
vector< SG::Regime > &  regimeTuple,
const vector< double > &  maxMovement,
const vector< SG::Regime > &  maxMovementConstraints 

Updates the pivot.

Bellman operator that advances the pivots corresponding to non-binding states in the current direction. If an IC constraint would be violated in state s, the movement in state s is set to maxMovement[s] and the state is put into the binding regime. Returns the distance the pivot moves.

Member Data Documentation

◆ actions

vector< list<SGAction_PencilSharpening> > SGApprox::actions

actions[state] is a list of actions that can still be supported according to the current approximation.

◆ actionTuple

vector< const SGAction_PencilSharpening* > SGApprox::actionTuple

actionTuple[state] is a pointer to the SGAction object that generates pivot[state].

◆ bestAction

list<SGAction_PencilSharpening>::const_iterator SGApprox::bestAction

Pointer to the action profile that generates the shallowest direction.

◆ bestDirection

SGPoint SGApprox::bestDirection

The shallowest direction at the current iteration.

◆ bestRegime

SG::Regime SGApprox::bestRegime

Indicates which incentive constraints were binding for the best direction.

◆ currentDirection

SGPoint SGApprox::currentDirection

The current direction.

◆ delta

const double SGApprox::delta

The discount factor, copied from SGApprox::game.

◆ env

const SGEnv& SGApprox::env

Constant reference to the parent environment.

◆ errorLevel

double SGApprox::errorLevel

Current error level

◆ extremeTuples

vector<SGTuple> SGApprox::extremeTuples

Past trajectory of the pivot.

◆ facingEastNorth

vector<bool> SGApprox::facingEastNorth

Indicates whether the current direction points east (if facingEastNorth[0]=true) and north (if facingEastNorth[1]=true).

◆ game

const SGGame& SGApprox::game

Constant reference to the game being solved.

◆ logfs

std::ofstream SGApprox::logfs

File stream for log file.

◆ newWest

int SGApprox::newWest

Index within SGApprox::extremeTuples of the westernmost tuple on the current revolution.

◆ nullAction

SGAction_PencilSharpening SGApprox::nullAction

Used to initialize the action tuple.

◆ numIterations

int SGApprox::numIterations

Elapsed number of iterations.

◆ numPlayers

const int SGApprox::numPlayers

The number of players, always 2.

◆ numRevolutions

int SGApprox::numRevolutions

Elapsed number of revolutions.

◆ numStates

const int SGApprox::numStates

The number of states, copied from SGApprox::game.

◆ oldWest

int SGApprox::oldWest

Previous value of westPoint.

◆ passNorth

bool SGApprox::passNorth

Flag that is true if the algorithm switched from pointing south to pointing north on the current iteration.

◆ pivot

SGTuple SGApprox::pivot

Current pivot.

◆ regimeTuple

vector<SG::Regime> SGApprox::regimeTuple

regimeTuple[state] gives the manner in which pivot[state] was generated.

◆ soln

SGSolution_PencilSharpening& SGApprox::soln

Reference to the SGSolution object in which output is being stored.

◆ sufficiencyFlag

bool SGApprox::sufficiencyFlag

Flag that indicates if sufficient conditions have been met while searching for the best direction.

◆ threatTuple

SGTuple SGApprox::threatTuple

Current threat tuple.

◆ updatedThreatTuple

vector<bool> SGApprox::updatedThreatTuple

updatedThreatTuple[i] = true if player i's threat tuple was updated on the current iteration.

◆ westPoint

int SGApprox::westPoint

Index within SGApprox::extremeTuples of the westernmost tuple on the previous revolution.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: