SGGame Class Reference

Describes a stochastic game. More...

#include <sggame.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for SGGame:
Collaboration diagram for SGGame:

Public Member Functions

 SGGame ()
 Default constructor.
 SGGame (const SGAbstractGame &game)
 Converts an SGAbstractGame into a SGGame. More...
 SGGame (double _delta, int _numStates, const vector< vector< int > > &_numActions, const vector< vector< vector< double > > > &_payoffs, const vector< vector< vector< double > > > &_probabilities)
 Constructor excluding eqActions. More...
 SGGame (double _delta, int _numStates, const vector< vector< int > > &_numActions, const vector< vector< vector< double > > > &_payoffs, const vector< vector< vector< double > > > &_probabilities, const vector< bool > &_unconstrained)
 Constructor customizing unconstrained.
 SGGame (double _delta, int _numStates, const vector< vector< int > > &_numActions, const vector< vector< vector< double > > > &_payoffs, const vector< vector< vector< double > > > &_probabilities, const vector< vector< bool > > &_eqActions, const vector< bool > &_unconstrained)
 Constructor customizing equilibrium actions. More...
 SGGame (int _numPlayers, double _delta, int _numStates, const vector< vector< int > > &_numActions, const vector< vector< vector< double > > > &_payoffs, const vector< vector< vector< double > > > &_probabilities, const vector< vector< bool > > &_eqActions, const vector< bool > &_unconstrained)
 Constructor with custom numPlayers. More...
double getDelta () const
 Returns SGGame::delta, the discount factor.
int getNumPlayers () const
 Returns SGGame::numPlayers, the number of players.
int getNumStates () const
 Returns the number of states.
const vector< vector< int > > & getNumActions () const
 Sets the argument _numActions equal to SGGame::numActions.
const vector< int > & getNumActions_total () const
const vector< vector< vector< double > > > & getProbabilities () const
 Returns a const reference to probabilities.
const vector< vector< SGPoint > > & getPayoffs () const
 Returns a const reference to the payoffs.
const vector< vector< bool > > & getEquilibriumActions () const
 Returns a const reference to the equilibrium actions.
void getPayoffBounds (SGPoint &UB, SGPoint &LB) const
const vector< bool > & getConstrained () const
 Returns the unconstrained vector.
bool setDiscountFactor (double newDelta)
 Set discount factor. More...
bool setPayoff (int state, int action, int player, double payoff)
 Set payoffs. More...
bool setProbability (int state, int action, int newState, double prob)
 Set probability. More...
bool setConstrained (const vector< bool > &_unconstrained)
 Sets whether or not players are incentive constrained.
bool addAction (int state, int player, int position)
 Adds a new action. More...
bool removeAction (int state, int player, int action)
 Removes the given action.
bool addState (int position)
 Adds a new state. More...
bool removeState (int state)
 Removes the given state.
bool transitionProbsSumToOne (double tolerance=1e-3) const
 Check if transition probabilities sum to one.
bool profitableDeviation (vector< int > &input, SGGame game)
 Check if there exists a profitable deviation.

Static Public Member Functions

static void save (const SGGame &game, const char *filename)
 Static method for saving an SGGame object to the file filename.
static void load (SGGame &game, const char *filename)
 Static method for loading an SGGame object from the file filename.

Protected Member Functions

template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
 Serializes the game using boost.

Protected Attributes

double delta
int numPlayers
int numStates
vector< vector< int > > numActions
vector< int > numActions_total
vector< vector< SGPoint > > payoffs
vector< vector< vector< double > > > probabilities
vector< vector< bool > > eqActions
vector< bool > unconstrained


class boost::serialization::access
class SGSolver

Detailed Description

Describes a stochastic game.

This class contains members that describe a stochastic game.

pd_twostate.cpp, and risksharing_maxminmax.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SGGame() [1/4]

SGGame::SGGame ( const SGAbstractGame game)

Converts an SGAbstractGame into a SGGame.

The user can derive their own class from SGAbstractGame, and then pass the derived object to the SGGame constructor. This constructor essentially copies the data from the user defined payoffs and probability methods into arrays. Storing this data in arrays provides for faster access by SGApprox and it allows the game to be serialized. See risksharing.hpp and risksharing.cpp for an example.

◆ SGGame() [2/4]

SGGame::SGGame ( double  _delta,
int  _numStates,
const vector< vector< int > > &  _numActions,
const vector< vector< vector< double > > > &  _payoffs,
const vector< vector< vector< double > > > &  _probabilities 

Constructor excluding eqActions.

< Initializes a game object with all actions being permissible.

◆ SGGame() [3/4]

SGGame::SGGame ( double  _delta,
int  _numStates,
const vector< vector< int > > &  _numActions,
const vector< vector< vector< double > > > &  _payoffs,
const vector< vector< vector< double > > > &  _probabilities,
const vector< vector< bool > > &  _eqActions,
const vector< bool > &  _unconstrained 

Constructor customizing equilibrium actions.

< If _eqActions is an empty vector, the constructor will initialize it so that all action profiles are allowed. Otherwise, we restrict attention to equilibria in which action profiles in _eqActions are used.

◆ SGGame() [4/4]

SGGame::SGGame ( int  _numPlayers,
double  _delta,
int  _numStates,
const vector< vector< int > > &  _numActions,
const vector< vector< vector< double > > > &  _payoffs,
const vector< vector< vector< double > > > &  _probabilities,
const vector< vector< bool > > &  _eqActions,
const vector< bool > &  _unconstrained 

Constructor with custom numPlayers.

< All other constructors eventually call this constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAction()

bool SGGame::addAction ( int  state,
int  player,
int  position 

Adds a new action.

Adds a new action for the given state and player just after the action at index position. The new action has payoffs initialized to zero, and state remains the same with probability 1.

◆ addState()

bool SGGame::addState ( int  position)

Adds a new state.

Inserts a new state after the index position. The new state has one action for each player with payoffs of zero, and the state is absorbing.

◆ getNumActions_total()

const vector<int>& SGGame::getNumActions_total ( ) const

Returns a constant reference to the total number of actions in each state

◆ getPayoffBounds()

void SGGame::getPayoffBounds ( SGPoint UB,
SGPoint LB 
) const

Sets the arguments equal to tight upper and lower bounds on the payoffs, respectively.

◆ setDiscountFactor()

bool SGGame::setDiscountFactor ( double  newDelta)

Set discount factor.

Method for setting the discount factor.

◆ setPayoff()

bool SGGame::setPayoff ( int  state,
int  action,
int  player,
double  payoff 

Set payoffs.

Method for setting payoffs for the given player, action, and state.

◆ setProbability()

bool SGGame::setProbability ( int  state,
int  action,
int  newState,
double  prob 

Set probability.

Sets the transition probability from state to newState when action is played.

Member Data Documentation

◆ delta

double SGGame::delta

The discount factor.

◆ eqActions

vector< vector<bool> > SGGame::eqActions

Indicates which action profiles are allowed to be played on path in each state. By default, initialized to true for all action profiles. Allows one to, for example, look at strongly symmetric equilibria (by first excluding asymmetric action profiles from the lists). Players can always deviate to action profiles which are not allowed on path.

◆ numActions

vector< vector<int> > SGGame::numActions

Gives the number of each player's actions in each state. In particular, player i has numActions[s][i] actions in state s. Should note that a pair (a1,a2) is mapped into an action profile using the formula a=a1+a2*numActions[s][a1], and generalized to n>2.

◆ numActions_total

vector<int> SGGame::numActions_total

Total number of action profiles for each state.

◆ numPlayers

int SGGame::numPlayers

The number of players.

◆ numStates

int SGGame::numStates

The number of states, must be at least 1.

◆ payoffs

vector< vector<SGPoint> > SGGame::payoffs

Gives the payoffs of the players as a function of the action profile. In particular, payoffs[s][a][i] are player i's payoffs in state s when action profile a is played.

◆ probabilities

vector< vector< vector<double> > > SGGame::probabilities

State transition probabilities: probabilities[s][a][s'] is the probability of transitioning to state s' when action profile a is played in state s.

◆ unconstrained

vector<bool> SGGame::unconstrained

If unconstrained[i]=true, the algorithm will not impose incentive compatibility as a constraint for player i.

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